On The Couch with Freshly Ground...
For a decade now Freshly Ground has been bringing a fresh, eclectic sound to both local and international audiences alike. They will be headlining the Old Mutual Music at the Lake concert this Sunday and, ahead of the show, Zolani Mahola chatted to the Weekly Gazette - Glenwood about the incredible journey that's made freshly Ground into the seven-player masterpiece that it is today. BW: How did you all get together and get to know one another and, from there, how did you all come to decide to form a band? ZM: We all met in cape Town, very randomly and not with the intention of forming a band. We started jamming and just found that we really enjoyed making music together. That was towards 2002. BW: How has your music evolved over time? ZM: We've grown a lot musically but, more than that, as people. When you spend over a decade with a group of other people you learn so much about them and about yourself. It's a really unique experience. BW:...