On the couch with Davey du Plessis, Amazon venturer

DNN: Davey, what made you choose the Amazon of all places?
DDP: The Amazon was chosen for two main reasons, my personal reason is to experience the beauty of the Amazon first hand and to gauge my own perception on the current state of the natural environment. Secondly, to structure an inspiring adventure around such an iconic area, such as the Amazon, to instill a broader outreach and call for communities and individuals to look at their lifestyles and the impacts humans are having on the planet.
DNN: What will you get up to in the Amazon?
DDP: Besides paddling, hiking and cycling as my means of transport, that will take up huge portions of the day, my other doings will involve acquiring the necessities to living such a primitive lifestyle, such as finding food, shelter/camp and keeping out of harms way. Interaction with the locals is of vital importance in order to understand the life of those making a living off the Amazon and what their perceptions of world wide conservation means and their solutions towards living in an ever demanding and consuming global community.
DNN: What dangers are attached to this trip?
DDP: My biggest fear is also my biggest interest, the indigenous people. Dealing with different communities, that are still isolated from mainstream living can present its problems. From what I gather, the white man is perceived differently in different areas. The general perception is that what ever white men have entered their local habitat have either been missionaries, oil prospectors or involved in natural resource trade– basically the white man signals a change to their lifestyle or an imposing of forced belief and culture. Malaria and dengue fever are also prominent in the Amazon area, as are various diseases and virus, including venomous creatures
DNN: How do you prepare for such an adventure?
DDP: The main factors are firstly lots of research, in order to gain clarity into what one can expect in that region and how to prepare for it. Secondly to remain physically fit, not iron man fit, but fit enough to keep active for days on end, third and most importantly is to maintain a clear and focused mindset. To not let your mind defeat your purpose and goals. Your mind can be your most powerful asset and biggest liability, it just depends how you use it.
DNN: How do you plan on documenting your experience?
DDP: I will be carrying all my own camera equipment. The self-filming and isolation will showcase the true human spirit and endeavors over a 4 – 6 month period. Blog, video and photo clips will be added to the website that will keep the support base up to date on my positioning and experiences en route.
DNN: When do plan on leaving and how long will you be there for?
DDP: I fly into South America 20 June 2012 and plan to commence the actual adventure 1 July 2012 – to coincide the with seasons. The window period to embark is quite small. I will be leaving during winter, the dry season for approximately four months.
DNN: Where will you stay?
DDP: Most of my dwelling will be on the riverbanks hammocked between trees. During the initial phase of the journey I will be camping in the Andean mountains as I cycle and hike the first part. Shacking up with the locals and finding any half decent housing establishments will be the preferred means of sleep.
DNN: What will you do for food?
DDP: Well, I am a vegan, which does pose certain restrictions on my food provisions.The Amazon contains over 2000 varieties of edible fruit and vegetables, so in theory I should find sufficient food source, as long as I know which ones to eat!
Just for fun:
DNN: Cricket or Rugby?
DDP: None of the above, I prefer football.
DNN: Would you rather lose you hair or your teeth?
DDP: Hair
DNN: If you had to have either your arms or your legs cut off which would you choose?
DDP: Arms
DNN: Sandals or sneakers?
DDP: Sandals
DNN: A walk or a run?
DDP: Walk
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