On The Couch with Damon Beard
by Yashika Ramautar
WG: Firstly and most importantly... Who are you? DB: My name is Damon Beard, I'm 41 years old and I'm a DJ on East Coast Radio.
I present the weekday lunchtime show from 12 - 3pm.
WG: Describe yourself in three words?
DB: Spontaneous, loyal, approachable
WG: What would you describe as the most full-filling aspect of being an ECR DJ? DB: I have a feature on my show called the Big Favour where I help people in the Province with things they may need. Through this, I've met some incredibly brave and sincere people. Only when you see what other people are going through, do you take a step back and count your blessings.
WG: What is the worst thing that ever happened to you on air? DB: My first night on air, one of the other DJ's decided to pull a prank on me. He swapped the ON and OFF buttons around, so when I was actually live ON AIR, I thought I wasn't, and when I thought I was OFF AIR, I was actually ON AIR... I decided to sing along to one of the songs playing and the whole of KZN heard!
WG: If you were not a DJ, what would you be?
DB: A pilot or psychologist

DB: I listen to most music so I don't really have a favourite genre as such. Top 3 international artists would be Bryan Adams, Robbie Williams and Seal. WG: What is your take on the quality and diversity of South African music emerging currently? What can be done to make us be heard internationally? DB: Now, more than ever before, there seems to be some incredible talent emerging. I think South Africa as a Country and also our people, really need to back the artists and give them as much support as possible.
WG: Do you play any musical instrument? Are you a good enough singer? DB: I play a mean air guitar, a bad version of chopsticks on the piano and I believe I'm the best singer in the world when I'm in the shower.
WG: You have been described as someone with a "naughty streak", why the inference?
DB: Ha ha. Really? I don't know anything about misbehaving... Ok ... well there was one time when I was skinny dipping and got caught...
WG: Do you have any other professional interests? DB: I have my private pilot's license so I fly whenever I can and I'm also a trauma counsellor.
WG: What is your association with Man International? How did this come about? DB: I started the group 8 years ago and since then it's grown immensely. It all started when I was asked by a listener to do a ladies night for her. Not knowing what to do, I asked a few of my surfing buddies to help me out, and from there, one thing just led to another. We now have a website (www.ladiesnightshow.co.za) and we're the most successful ladies night show in the Country.
WG: What do you in your spare time....any hobbies? DB: I surf, cycle and canoe.
WG: Who are the most famous people you have met?
DB: Tina Turner, Bryan Adams and Celine Dion
WG: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? DB: The fact that I tend to analyze everything in far too much detail ...
WG: Complete the sentences:
I am who I am because..... of my upbringing
I love to.....surf, and run along the beach with my dogs.
It infuriates me , when.....people scandal, or pull out the 'race' card.
I cry....when I see abused animals or sick and hurt people who are in pain.
My favourite piece of clothing is my .... pair of Levi jeans.
The color Blue........... makes me...............relaxed
I love women who ...... are uncomplicated.
If I was president for a day, I would.....hire and fire, left, right and centre!
The person I respect most is.... my Dad
I smile whenever.... I see the opportunity to do so. Even when we're at our lowest, there are opportunity's to smile.
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