Kagiso Ledgia

Kagiso Ledgia is well-known in comedy circles. Having been on shows like The Pure Monate, often featuring on comedy DVDs and so forth, Lediga has finally opted to do his one-man show. The Weekly Gazette-Glenwood's Se-Anne Koopman caught up with Lediga while he was promoting his film last week and got to find out just a little more about the raspy-voiced funny man.

SK : Who is Kagiso Lediga?
KL : I don't know where to start… I was born about 33 years ago in Pretoria. I am a comedian. I make movies and television programmes and I am funny!

SK : Where did you spend most of your childhood?
KL : In Pretoria

SK : When you began comedy, it was during your studies. What did you study and did you finish?
KL : Yeah, I was studying Drama at UCT. I was also involved in comedy, even at University and it just continued from there

SK : What inspired your love for comedy?
KL : I guess comedians… Other comedians. When I was a kid I used to watch Woody Allen movies and thought this is what I want to do and also I watched Eddie Murphy and Bill Cosby and I thought yeah, that's my thing.

SK : Take us through your first show, what was it like?
KL : It was easy. It was during orientation week and I was in a taxi preparing material. I was with a friend of mine and he was giving me pointers. It was cool. I did my thing and that was that. Then I started doing it and it was on a long ramp and didn't know where to look and it was wobbly and stuff. I was tired and people boo'd. I guess I gave them fuel and walked off.

SK : If you could pick your ideal audience, who would you like to have in the first row?
KL : General people, who are there to laugh. All family and close friends have seen me. I just prefer people who just love comedy

SK : Who are the comedians who you draw inspiration from?
KL : Many. Woody Allen, Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, Daniel Tosh, Louis CK, Katt Williams a bit. He's a bit more rough and more ghetto

SK : You've been in comedy for 12 years, why opt to do a one-man show now?
KL : I have been very busy and my agent told me that there was an opportunity to do the show now, so I went with it.

SK : What can people expect from this show?
KL : Well, they can expect to laugh. To come and have a good time.

Rapid Fire
Superman, Thor or Shrek : Shrek
Boxers, briefs or tangas : Briefs
Animal print, plain or floral : Plain
Sunrise or sunset : Both
Long romantic walks on the beach or skydiving : Long romantic walks on the beach

The First Word(s) That Comes To Mind
Spongebob and Patrick are no longer friends : Who cares?
Limpopo text book saga : Heads must roll
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting married : So?


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