On the couch with Matthew Ribnick aka Chilli Boy
By Janine Moodley

PT: Tell us about the person behind 'Chilli Boy'?
MR: Matthew Ribnick is a swordsman and a body bender. He is a recovering latte addict, an aspirant foot model, a lover of laundry and a failed pole-vaulter.
PT: When did you first realise you wanted to become a performer?
MR: I never wanted to become a performer, I dreamed of being a banker but, I was told I wasn’t boring enough.
PT: What do you love most about theatre?
MR: The reactions of the audience to moments of theatrical genius.
PT: You specialise in one-man shows, how do you prepare for the different roles you play?
MR: I stop taking my schizophrenia medication the day before I’m scheduled to go on stage.
PT: What else do you get up to besides performing on stage?
MR: I’m trying to learn to levitate and I’m also developing an interest in ‘hand-made’ bricks.
PT: Most memorable moment on stage?
MR: During a performance of The Chilli Boy (in a high school hall) there was a power failure, which left 600 people (including me) in pitch-black darkness. I improvised in character for a while in the darkness until we could find some alternate sources of light. I surprised myself that day as the improvisation was greatly enjoyed by the very energetic and enthusiastic audience.
PT: Most embarrassing moment on stage?
MR: Discovering, 5 minutes into a performance, that I had forgotten my backstage bedroom slippers on. Since the costume included running shoes, the slippers did look quite odd. I completed the show in the slippers.
PT: Your top 5 do's and dont's when performing?
MR: Don’t try doing a backflip if you’ve never done one before
If you’re a guy - don’t do a nude scene in winter.
Don’t consume alcohol or drugs before (or during) a performance
It’s best not to have animals, young children or a person suffering from Tourette's Syndrome in your cast.
Don’t use fireworks in an enclosed space
If there’s nobody in the audience you don’t have to perform.
It helps to remember the words
Don’t try to improvise Shakespearean text.
Do remember to breathe.
PT: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
MR: Running a very successful hand-made brick business (see answer to question 5).
PT: Best advice ever?
MR: “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.” Jerry Rice
This quote is the greatest advice for me.
PT: Favourite one liner?
MR: Some people hear voices … some see invisible people … others have no imagination whatsoever. (from the internet)
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