On the Couch with Aewon Wolf

Durban artist Aewon Wolf, is a successful figure in the South African music industry. The rap artist who is known for his chart topping singles, has featured on prominent platforms like Rocking The Daisies, Splashy Fen and Durban July Boomtown. Aewon Wolf is also the founder of RUNDBN, The Wolf Pack and the popular youth centre, The Werehouse. Tabloid Newspapers spoke to Aewon Wolf about his journey in the music industry thus far.
Tabloid Newspapers (TN): How did your journey in the music industry begin?
Aewon Wolf (AW): It started at nine-years old when I wrote my first song, and then I began rapping in cyphers throughout high school.
TN: What do you most enjoy about this line of work?
AW: I enjoy the freedom to express myself and to determine my own path.
TN: Can you remember the first song you wrote, what was it about?
AW: The first song I wrote was when I was nine-years old. It might seem silly now, but it was called 'Indian Brave' and it was pretty deep for a nine-year old. However, the rhymes were pretty straight forward.
TN:How has your family supported you in your career?
AW: My parents didn’t believe in it at first, and they hoped that I would practice in the field of my degree. They eventually warmed up to it, when I was able to make good money in the entertainment industry.
TN: What is the creative process you follow when writing a song?
AW: I let the instrumental speak to me, I always say it’s like sculpting. The statue has always been in the rock and you chip away at the stone carefully to reveal the art hiding inside. So, I do the same with the beat, the lyrics are already there I just have to listen carefully and let them speak to me, so I can reveal them to the world. I don’t write down my lyrics, I just record and let them speak.
TN: What is one of your favourite songs, that you have recorded?
AW: A song called 'My first song as Aewon Wolf', which was therapy for me.
TN: What is the meaning behind the name 'Aewon Wolf' ?
AW: The name 'Aewon' came to me in a dream, my grandmother told me that it was my true name and the Wolf came years later as my spirit animal.
TN:What does an average day look like for you?
AW: I start at the gym, and then I handle any business that needs to be done. I then head home, where I edit and create on my computer at home.
TN: If you weren't a musician, what other career path would you have followed?
AW: I am following all my other career paths. I consider myself a creator, so I do film, graphic art, carpentry and many other things that involve carpentry.
TN: What would you change about the music industry?
AW: I would try to make knowledge a priority for kids versus the fame and money, so maybe making individuals require a certificate before entering.
TN: Are you currently reading anything?
AW: I was recently reading Jackie Chan and Michelle Obama’s auto biographies.
TN: Favourite food?
AW: Vegetable pizza.
TN: Favourite film?
AW: The Matrix and Boondock Saints.
TN: Favourite sports team?
AW: Man United.
TN: What advice can you give to young aspiring musicians?
AW: Be yourself and place love first.
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