On the couch with The City Bowl Mizers' bass guitarist, Ally Heath

WWG: How did it all begin for you guys as individual musicians?
AH: Wow, well for me, I remember watching this surfing video when I was about 11-years old. There was this song on it, Nervous Breakdown, by a punk rock band called Black Flag, and I was just mesmerised by this guy screaming and shouting behind a mic. That song is probably the reason why I am the guy I am today. Kurt, his dad used to play for the first punk rock band in Durban, Wild Youth, in the 70's and he still listens to Slayer; Matt loved Michael Jackson when he was a kid. He still does... like a lot! Steve has always just been an angry little punk kid and Marty is hispanic so predictably, he got into the Gypsy Kings when he was like 4-days old!
WWG: How did City Bowl Mizers come into being?
AH: It was the summer of 2004 and we were all involved with different bands but we all used to hang out at Steve's place, drinking and stuff. The five of us just started writing songs together and we played one or two shows but to be honest, it was just like a joke to us at that stage because we were all part of different bands. At some point, it became serious and The City Bowl Mizers became our band but I don't recall when.
WWG: Parents aren't generally thrilled when their kids decide that they want to be musicians, how have your parents reacted?
AH: They've just been so so supportive! I think that they're just so stoked with and proud of everything that I do! They've always dug the little punk kid I am though; when I would come home with like purple hair they'd just take it in their stride. There have been a lot of sacrifices hey, like dropping out of college to tour the UK, but my parents have just been fully supportive. I think that they figure that not too many kids get these kind of opportunities.
WWG: Who are your musical influences, as a group?
AH: Well we all really, really love The Hives, Weezer, Wu-Tang Clan and Refused.
WWG: Your most memorable gig of all time?
AH: A while ago we got to support a band called Have Heart when the guys were in Durban. We played at the Beach Club and there wasn't a stage or anything, we just played on the floor so it was almost just like playing at someone's house you know? We played with guys from other bands, like our good friends from Go Go Bronco, Shipwreck and Truth and its Burden and it was just such a positive night. Have Heart is just so inspiring and motivating and they emit the most positive energy! I watch some commercial bands and they're just completely void of everything that I love about music! There's like no interaction, they're just on stage moaning about the success that they've worked so hard for! They take themselves so seriously and for what? What's the point of playing music if it isn't fun? If it's a chore?
WWG: What gigs have you got coming up?
AH: Well our official release is this Saturday and it coincides with the opening of a new venue on Stamford Hill Road, called Live. It's a really awesome venue, it's actually ideal! We have already released our new EP for free on the Internet because there's just no point in printing anymore but we are selling a limited number of printed copies at our shows, for people - like me - who like to own music! We're also selling rad new shirts!
WWG: What was the process of recording this EP like?
AH: It was really rad. We went up to Joburg and recorded with Jacques Du Plessis of Audio Cabin. He's this really cool guy who never wears anything but pyjama pants. We did seven songs in five days and it was all done in a wendy house! It was so fun and we're all so super proud of the EP. I would totally recommend any other up-and-coming bands to speak to Jacques if their interested in recording! It was also the first recording we had done with out new drummer Steve. He joined us last year. We're so stoked with him in the band. He's a super tight and really creative drummer
WWG: What about this album are you so proud of?
AH: We're just all so emotionally attached to the songs on the EP. We put a lot into them and into making them the way we wanted them to be. We haven't compromised on anything with these songs, they're a little rough and a little heavier than some stuff we've done before. Even lyrically, we've written about things that mean a lot to us. I never get nervous to play but I'm nervous for the launch, just because these songs are so important!
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