On the couch with: Rally driver, Craig Trott

CT: Through a long standing friend of mine. He was actually one of the medics on this same event way back in I think 1982 and he befriended one of the competitors which then resulted in him building a car. I started as his navigator/co-driver from 1983-85.
SS: You will be participating in the 2012 Total Rally, taking place on 23 and 24 March. What are your thoughts, ambitions and feelings for this event?
CT: With this being the first event of the year, I have approached it fairly cautiously. Generally there are new cars and new crews and one has to try and judge the opposition as to their speed. The South Coast sugar cane stages are extremely slippery, like no other roads in the country, so it takes a while to settle down, but unfortunately one can't take too long or else before you know it, you're on the back foot trying to make-up time. One thing that is important above all else and that is to come away with a finish and some points-without that you generally start the entire season on the back foot and spend the next few events playing catch-up. This sport is all about speed and consistency, trying to balance them both is the difficult part.
SS: Do you have a favourite and least favourite rally?
CT: My favourite event is always the Total Rally as it is a home event, my next favourite would be the George/Knysna event, which was a new event last year and the stages wound their way through the forests. I always enjoy the tight, twisty technical events, i think it suits my driving style a lot more. My worst events would be whichever ones are held in Gauteng and most competitors would agree, they are generally through the mielie fields and the stages generally soft sandy rubbish.
SS: You won the SA championships in two-wheel drive rally seven times since 1998. How does it feel to have such an accomplishment under your belt?
CT: Any victory is great, the issue is trying to stay at that level. Your own expectations remain high along with that of others but unfortunately one can't win all the time, last year I was second. Unfortunately, in this sport there are numerous opportunities for things to go wrong, so it is best to have more rights than wrongs.
SS: What made you choose motor sports?
CT: I think any young boy growing up is fascinated by cars, as you get older, other sports, hobbies and activities may appeal to you. My interest in cars/motorsport never waned. I think it just grew stronger the older I got.
SS: Is it a hobby, passion or your career choice?
CT: I think it started off as a keen interest at regional championship level, but then became a passion that started in the national championship in 1996, so now its basically all three, and it rules your life from January to November each year.
SS: What has been your most memorable moment?
CT: Probably winning the championship on all the occasions. One never gets tired of winning and becoming a part of Team Total in 1998 based on my performances in the previous two years.
SS: What inspires you in life?
CT: To try and excel in all aspects, when you fall, learn from the experience and try to do better in the next day of your life. Never waste a day as day gone can never be compensated for.
SS: Have you encountered any challenges?
CT: No real challenges that stand out, lets put it this way, nothing that I can think of where one would view it as a massive challenge that took extraordinary effort to overcome. One or two minor ones come to mind. Rallying while completing my Accounting degree in 1984 and competing in the Tour Natal Rally in 1987, while in the army (being stationed at the old Natal Command did help)
SS: What is the worst experience you’ve ever had relating to the sports?
CT: Fortunately have had a fairly clean record, but i have had a few rolls/crashes along the way. Probably the worst and the most stupid was rolling the car on the same stage on the same rally in successive years. It was the Total Rally based in Ermelo and happened in the 2008-2009 season, but I did finish the event on both occasions.
SS: Any other interests besides rallying?
CT: Unfortunately there is not much time to have any other interests outside of rallying. I do however keep up to date with all sports so i generally do have a clue about what is happening (sporting wise) outside of rallying. In other words, if I am at a braai or wherever and meet someone that has an interest in another sport, I can put my two cents worth in and not seem like a dummy. I do have a fair all-round general knowledge so I am also up to speed with what is happening in the world around us (not just in sport either)
SS: What’s your favorite car model?
CT: Don't have anything specific. I suppose any car with style and speed. Rallying wise, I have been with Toyota since I think 1993.
SS: Any words of encouragements to the upcoming rally champs and your fans out there?
CT: To the up and coming youngsters. Learn to walk before you can run. You can't buy experience. Don't expect to be a winner straight out the starting blocks- it takes a while, but if you are serious about the sport, never give up. Rallies are won in the workshop where the car is built and prepared between events, it takes hard work. Total have put an enormous amount of resources and effort into this event, this is motor racing at its very best so please come out and show your support.
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