Going behind the music.....
By Yashika Ramautar
YR: How important is music in your personal life?
ARR: Because my father was a musician, it was almost like a family thing. I want to do the same for my children, and teach them music and let them decide in the future, what they want to do.
YR: Who are you currently listening to?
ARR: I listened to Freshly Ground this morning for their live performance on ECR. They sang 3 songs, beautifully.
YR: Being the musical legend that you are, and with your hectic schedule how do you make time for your family?
ARR: I work in the house actually, as my studio is just one minute from my house. My kids come there, so too my family, and my mom is on the first floor. Thats the way I built my house. There is no seperation, except when I go abroad.
YR: Where is the most romantic spot that you have come across, either through work or personally?
ARR: For the World Music Awards, in Brussels, I went with my wife and we drove to Paris, which was really nice.
YR: What is your most romantic gesture?
ARR: I am very bad at romance, very clumsy, but I suppose buying diamonds for my wife.
YR: Where are you currently residing?

YR: Which is your favorite room in your home? Why?
ARR: My studio....of course I make all the music there
YR: Where do you derive inspiration from for your music?
ARR: Sometimes spiritual, sometimes nature, sometimes poetry and sometimes the script that I do.
YR: You have produced music for dozens of movies. Which movie's music are you most sentimental about?
ARR: My first movie that I did, Roja, which set me in the line of creativity and put me on the map
YR: What is your favorite song that you were involved in?
ARR: Recently, it is "Koja meri Koja" from Jodha Akbhar
YR: From the dozens of awards and accolades that you have received, which is your favorite?
ARR: Ahh, that tough, hey. But it has to be my first award, which was a national award
YR: What are you currently working on?
ARR: Currently I just finished "127 Hours" with Danny Boyle, my second film with him. Now "Juta eisa Hai" is releasing in South Africa
YR: What can audiences expect from Jai Ho, The Journey Home World Tour?
ARR: It is a concert with Indian soul, Indian sense and sensibilities, with a lot of dance. Its going to be like a broadway, rock show and circus all put together with Indian music.
My Favorites:
Movie....Being in SA...Invictus
American Actor....I can't decide that
Indian Actor....Rajnikant
Indian Actress....Madhubha
Feel good song....Man ko tho Mola (spiritual song)
Person you would like to meet....I would love for Nelson Mandela to come to my concert
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